Monday, March 31, 2014

Matt Plays: Dungeon Keeper II and Prop Hunt 3/31/14

With events coming up I'll be posting the next couple of videos by Thursday night or VERY early Friday morning. Other than that here is one more update till then. Enjoy.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Matt Plays: Less Rust Videos

Matt's going to talk about the decline in good servers, and the future lack of Rust based videos on this channel.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Matt Plays: Dungeon Keeper II, Rust, and Strife 3/25/14

Dungeon Keeper II has become the newest on going Plays series, while Matt also continues his adventures in both Strife as well as Rust.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

8-Bit Gremlins Theme

The second in the series to be directly from a movie (The other being Kamen Rider ZO). This time it's the 80's comedy/horror classic, Gremlins!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Matt Plays: Star Wars: The Old Republic Online Weekend

Originally started, and intended to be a Closed Beta weekend. Erin and myself quick run into a wall of bugs and mishaps. Trying to turn the weekend around we return to SWTOR and suddenly find it hard to put it back down.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Matt Plays: Rust, Left 4 Dead 2, Strife, and Dungeon Keeper II 3/13/04

In preperation for another Beta Weekend. Here is the last week's Plays episodes.

Another day, another round on the PvP Rust server. Some more interesting events abound as the server is shooting things up. And we find some gear after going Road Warrior instead of hiding.

Matt gets an invite to play some Left 4 Dead with more than 1 other person. Watch as as we finally win!

Playing around some more on Ohmwreacker's server. We finally meet a friendly person, and get the shot gun. Fun ensues.

Matt gets onto the server hosted by Ohmwrecker and team. Things go well, for a little while at least. Then the hacking starts.

Looking for another ongoing single player game. Matt tries out Dungeon Keeper 2

Also trying out a new format for doing the Strife videos. Have a look, and again leave comments on anything you like, or would like to see changed.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Hipster Ninja Reviews - Resident Evil (Featuring VanTX89) [Re-Upload]

[Re-Uploaded due the original being muted]

We've Had Our Eyes On You For Quite Some Time, Mr. Anderson. 

All Media Used In This Video Are Done So Under "Fair Use" 

Special Thanks to VanTX89 for helping with this nightmare of a film, as well as Jesh Nyx, "Mad" Matt Winchell & The Incredible KMAN for providing their cameos.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Hipster Ninja Reviews - Beastly

It's a Tale As Old As Time, how could they possibly f*ck THAT up?

With Cameos from Jake from "Jake and Trev Review Everything", and The Movie Doctor.

All Media used in this review is done so under "Fair Use"

And follow me on Twitter: @KiraKennedyHNR

Matt Plays: Rust and Murder 3/7/14

Matt tries out a new format for the show. Do you like? Do you want something else? Leave feed back!

Finally getting at some footage filmed a few months back. Matt finally brings back the GMod Plays videos, this one with a little extra twist at the end. Watch and enjoy!

Another update, and this one jinxes Matt right from the get go.

Another short romp. Matt tries to break into a house.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Monday, March 3, 2014

Matt Plays: MMO / Closed Beta Weekend!

As a huge weekend special. Here is a collection of videos that were made this weekend (from 2/28 - 3/2) Both The Elder Scrolls Online, and Strife are still in closed Betas. While Guild Wars is the only non Beta MMO we played this weekend. Go ahead and watch, and I hope you enjoy. See you all in a few days again.